Live Console in Oracle Sourcing (Explanation about Graphs)

Live Console allows user to graphically view and compare responses to a negotiation.

The Live Console gives user a single location from which he/she can generate many in-depth graphic displays. user can use these graphs to assist in analyzing  negotiation responses during and after a negotiation.

Live Console is not available for:

  1. RFIs
  2. Contract Purchase Agreement negotiations that do not have lines.
  3. Sealed negotiation (once the negotiation is unsealed, Live Console is available).
  4. Draft negotiations (since the negotiation has no responses).
  5. Additionally, line-level information and displays are not available for large or very large negotiations.
  6. Also, information is not available for Two-Stage RFQs until the technical evaluation is completed and the commercial stage is unlocked.

Graphs Area

The Graph Area can display four types of graphs.

Best Bids by Time (XY Chart)

  1. The graph shows bids for the top five suppliers. If the supplier has multiple bids, all bids for that supplier are shown.
  2. The Y axis shows the best bid offered for the negotiation. This is calculated as the sum of (price * quantity) for all lines on the negotiation. The X axis shows the time range over which the bids have been submitted.
  3. The vertical line indicates the close date

All Bids By Time (XY chart)

  1. This chart graphs all the bids for the negotiation.
  2. The Y axis shows the best bid offered for the negotiation. This is calculated as the sum of (price * quantity) for all lines on the negotiation. The X axis shows the time range over which the bids have been submitted.
  3. The vertical line indicates the close date.

Savings by Supplier (Bar chart)

  1. The graph shows bids for the top five suppliers. If the supplier has multiple bids, all bids for that supplier are shown.
  2. The Y axis shows the best bid offered for the negotiation. This is calculated as the sum of (quantity * (bid price – current price)) for all lines on the negotiation. The X axis shows the bid number.

Best Bids by Supplier (Bar chart)

  1. The graph shows bids for the top five suppliers. If the supplier has multiple bids, all bids for that supplier are shown.

Graphs are not available for

  1. Contract Purchase Agreement negotiations that have no lines.
  2. Blanket Purchase Agreements or Contract Purchase Agreement negotiations that have lines but no Estimated Quantity value.
  3. Negotiations for which there are no responses (for example, a negotiation that is in Preview status.
  4. Quotes that are not shortlisted from the technical evaluation stage of a Two-Stage RFQ.